Survival Kit for Trade Show


Pre-Show Effort:

  • Review Show with Staff – what is expected from each department of the company to have a successful exhibit
  • Review the arrangements for the booth i.e., type, size, colors, logo etc.
  • Create an Eye Level Attraction
  • Review Floor Plan and location of our booth at the show
  • Make round trip shipping arrangements for your booth
  • Review all Show Forms and submit to show management for carpets, furniture, electrical and set up personnel
  • Request a program from the sow producers that you can use for planning purposes
  • Develop a relationship with the show producers
  • Develop a show theme (new product intro, revised pricing, new member of the management team)
  • Review and agree on a script for the company people who will man the booth
  • Develop your Opening Active Question and responses to other questions that will be asked at the booth
  • Arrange meetings and/or contact with exhibitors who could be suspects/prospects/clients
  • Press Releases to trade journals and local papers
  • Develop company news/press releases for the show. Product announcements, new pricing, new programs
  • Develop Press Kit
  • Review and agree on what products and services will be presented
  • Develop a handout for the show, literature, tri-fold
  • Develop Contact Form to be used at booth
  • Review Mailing List/e-Mail List of those you intend to invite to this Trade Show to see your products
  • Send out letters/e-Mail to clients and prospects inviting them to this show
  • Develop client follow up list for the booth


Show Effort:

  • Make sure company handouts are available and accessible
  • Review script and opening active question for the show, with the people who will have booth duty
  • Review qualification sequence, with people who will have booth duty
  • Plan to walk the show to gain knowledge of the exhibitors and attendees
  • Have available Staplers, Business Cards and writing utensils, notepaper, equipment spares and service kits
  • Hand on hand, booth and equipment cleaning materials
  • Make sure all booth personnel know when they are on duty
  • Review where booth personnel will stand to promote company and products on display
  • Review lead daily from the show. Prioritize leads, apply triage when necessary.
  • Arrange for form letter/e-mails to be send out by the company with copies send out by the company, with copies sent to the person responsible for follow-up
  • Arrange appointments/business meetings with qualified contacts
  • Have a log that list appointments from the show
  • Continually checks the flow of attendees pass your booth
  • Bring an extra pair of shoes for standing
  • Check dress and demeanor
  • Check Press Kits: check that the press room has enough kits
  • Pick up competitors’ information
  • Arrange to see demonstrations of competitors’ applications, products or services
  • Stay alert, have a positive attitude, look and act successful
  • Clients and prospects want to deal with successful people in successful companies


Post Show Effort:

  • Review with Show management the overall impression of the show
  • Make financial arrangements and pick your booth and location for next year’s show
  • Make arrangements to pack and return the booth to your company. List problems with booth that should be addressed when you return to your office.
  • Review all leads from show. Prioritize leads, apply triage when necessary.
  • Check on form letters to clients, prospects and suspects
  • Review with company personnel who were at the show their impression, good and bad. What was accomplished, what needs to be done next time?
  • Review what your competition had on display
  • Rate competitors effort at the show
  • What impression did you and the members of your staff get from the show
  • Follow-up


Survival Kit for Trade Show