Today’s Objective Marketing Strategies
The Intercorp Group–Preventive Maintenance
The Building Blocks to Successful Marketing
The Building Blocks to Successful Marketing It's More than Sales and Advertising Whether you're a Fortune 500 company or a one person shop, to be successful, you must have a marketing strategy and you must implement it consistently. However, it doesn't have to cost a...
TEC – Taking the Pain Out of Performance Appraisal – Judith Segal
Taking the Pain Out of Performance Appraisal (and Putting the Productivity Back Into It) Judith Segal, PHD PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Performance appraisal is a process of talking to people about how they are doing in relation to Where the company is...
TEC – Market Discipline The Key to a Dynamic Marketing Plan – Jay Chalmers
Market Discipline: The Key to a Dynamic Marketing Plan Jay Chalmers MARKETING In most companies, the marketing plan involves little more than deciding how much revenue the company wants to have for the year and how it intends to get it. Long before you make...
TEC – Effective Marketing How to Get it Or Tell if You Already Have It – Mitch Gooze
Effective Marketing; How to Get it or tell if you already have it Mitch Gooze BE THE LEADER IN YOUR MARKETPLACE If you aren’t the #1 or #2 supplier in your market segment or market niche, no matter how small that niche is, at some point in time you are...
Strategic Marketing and Analysis, Inc.
Professional Photo Books
Marketing planning process
Marketing planning process Situation analysis is the first component of the marketing planning process. It involves a thorough examination of your company in relation to the competition and an analysis of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. A complete...
Marketing Mainstay, SMS Texts
Marketing Budgets Showing Resilience
Marketing Budgets Showing Resilience. By Kate Maddox While many companies are cutting marketing budgets in response to the economic downturn, a surprising number are increasing them during these challenging times, according to several recent surveys. The Association...
Marketing Audit Plan Report
Marketing Plan Audit Report A. Business and Product/Service Description 1. Describe the Industry 2. Specify the Organizational Mission and Objectives 3. Describe the Product/Service and the Fit 4. Record Financial Forecasts/Goals B. Market Environment 1. Describe the...
Lorraine Gregory Where Marketing Means Business
Graph Expo – Branding Strategies – 9 Do’s and Dont’s for the Digital Age – Rhonda Bronson
Graph Expo - Branding Strategies - 9 Do's and Dont's for the Digital Age - Rhonda Bronson