Mind Matters
Traditional education systems are decades behind the times. They were designed for an Industrial Age society, to service the needs of an assembly line based technology. We take all of the children of the same age, and put them in the same room, and teach them how to do the same things, in the same way, at the same time. This makes them all as much the same as possible. Training conformity has been more important than teaching individuality, in a system that was successfully designed to produce assembly line factory workers. However to meet the changing needs of the Information Age, we must shift from teaching conformity to educating individual creativity. Everyone can be assisted in becoming accelerated learners. Learning to focus concentration, reduce stress and tension, access greater creative intelligence, and enhance reading, and memory skills, makes anyone more effective and productive no matter what they do.
The development of AlphaLearning is the result of twenty-eight years of research into the connection between the Alpha Brainwave State, peak performance, and accelerated learning. Brainwaves are an electrical measurement of our life force energy. The lowest range of brainwave activity is called the Delta Brainwave State. It goes from comatose states up through ordinary sleep. The Theta state begins with dream sleep, and takes us up through the half awake state of deep trance. Alpha is the state that begins when we are barely awake, and goes up through focused peak performance states. Beta is the state that begins with simple divided attention, and goes all the way up through panic, anxiety, confusion, and terror.
In the Alpha State, the conscious mind; the mind of logic and reasoning, and the subconscious mind; the mind of creativity and imagination, work together in harmony. As we focus our concentration in the Alpha Brainwave State, certain neurological pathways in the brain become stimulated, allowing greater electro-chemical connections between our conscious and our subconscious minds. With a filter in the brain (the reticular activating system) open, we have access to far more of our creative intelligence, and everything becomes much easier to learn.
In today’s complex world, we spend a lot of time in the Beta Brainwave State, where our attention is divided and we are thinking about several things at the same time. The busier our lives get, the more time we spend in Beta. Sometimes it is appropriate for us to be in the Beta State. There are many occasions in our daily lives; like driving on the freeway, caring for children, or meeting an important deadline, that demand divided or split attention.
There are however, many more occasions that benefit from the focused concentration and undivided intensity of the Alpha Brainwave State. It is the athlete’s peak performance state and the inventor’s creativity. It is the surgeon’s fixation and the stamp collector’s concentration. It is every child’s state of fascination, wonder and awe. Alpha is the state for greatness at any endeavor, because only in Alpha, can you focus your concentration, and give it your all. Beta is a stressful state. The more time we spend feeling anxious, nervous, frightened, or confused, the harder it is on our minds and our bodies. When we get very stressed, or endangered, we utilize the primitive portion of our brain for our survival, and we gain access to strength and speed. This is best known as the fight or flight syndrome. At the same time however, we tend to lose access to the more evolved parts of our brain; and to our intelligence, creativity, and recall. In the Beta State, we can get fast and strong, but also stupid and forgetful.
We are much smarter in Alpha. AlphaLearners quickly master a veiy powerful technique to put themselves into the Alpha State anytime they choose, in less than twenty seconds. In Alpha they amplify their interest in any subject, and focus both their conscious and subconscious minds on enjoying the process of understanding and learning. They read even the most technical of material, several times faster than they ever could have before, while significantly improving their comprehension, retention, and recall. In addition to enhanced logic and reasoning skills, they have access to their imagination, intuition, inspiration, and ingenuity, as well. AlphaLearners have learned how to learn. The ability to control your own brainwave activity is the key.
Brainwave activity is divided into four basic levels as measured on an electroencephalograph (EEG).
Level Cycles Per Second Description
Beta 14-28 Divided Attention – Panic
Alpha 7 – 14 Daydreaming – Focused
Theta 4-7 Dreaming – m~ce
Delta +0-4 Comatose – Deep Sleep
This is the brainwave state that we associate with being awake. It can be categorized by divided attention. Conversation usually takes place in the lower beta range. Confusion, anxiety, and terror in the higher beta range.
Alpha: This is the state of focused concentration and hyper-suggestibiity experienced in daydreaming, watching television, listening to music, as well as in states of light hypnosis and meditation, It is also experienced by artists, athletes, musicians and others who experience greatness.
Theta: This state includes the sleep dreams and that state in between awake and asleep when we are dreaming and know that we are dreaming at the same time. Deep hypnosis and trance meditation are part of the theta state.
Delta: This is the deep sleep state. The state of healing and regeneration where the metabolic rate slows and our bodies repair themselves. Our conscious mind is turned off, and there is no thinking or dreaming taking place. The physical body is totally at rest.
The Life Force
To have an understanding of the brain we must first have an understanding of the mind. To have an understanding of the mind we must start with the basics. The basics is energy. The energy that is the mind is the life force energy. This is the energy that animates us. It is the energy that is life itself. If you extract the life force from a human body, you are left with a corpse.
The Life Force flows through human beings in three different ways:
1. Through our physical bodies as pain control and healing.
Without our needing the slightest idea of how it works, (even doctors don’t completely understand how it works), our bodies know exactly how to heal themselves. The mandate is “fix and make better.” If the skin gets cut, our body will not only fix the cut, but it will replace the skin with scar tissue which is stronger than skin; less likely to be re-cut. If we break a bone, the body repairs it stronger than it was before; less likely to be rebroken. If we get mumps, or measles, or chicken pox, our bodies will heal with an added resistance to the disease. We build up immunities and are stronger than we were before. Whether dealing with injury or disease, the life force as it flows through the focused brain seeks to fix the body and make it better.
2. Through our minds as intelligence and creativity.
Other names might include, imagination, intuition, inspiration, revelation, and illumination. The highest form of intelligence is the “aim” experience. Those times when the light bulb goes off over your head and you come up with a brilliant solution or an absolutely great idea. This is the product of a focused brain. The lowest form of intelligence, leading to a flabby brain, comes doing rote memorization and repetitive tasks.
3. Through our spirit as self confidence, interest and love.
Peace of mind, feelings of well being, plus an inner sense of safety and security, are also manifestations of the life force in a focused brain. Health, happiness, passion and success are the results of allowing the life force to flow unimpeded through the human spirit. Healing, intelligence and love are all the same thing. They are all the life force. This is why hateful people are often sick and stupid. If you block your life force by blocking your love, you also block your intelligence and healing. There is only one force. There is no opposing force. There is darkness, but it is not a force. It is the absence of the force called light. There is freezing cold, but it is not a force. It is the absence of the force called heat. There also is evil, but it too is not a force. It is the absence of the force called love. There is one force and it is the life force.
The key to changing your life, including the way that you read, is changing your mind. We have thousands of thoughts every day. Most of these thoughts are below our level of consciousness. It is very important to root out those thoughts that are no longer serving our best interests. In the Alpha state we have the ability to shut out all the internal and external distractions and tune into each of those subconscious thoughts. In this way we can pick and choose the thoughts by which we would like to continue to be influenced. We can also release those thoughts we no longer desire simply by deciding to release them and then just letting them go.
It is only the thoughts and feelings that we agree with that affect us. When we think about getting up from where we are sitting, that thought has to be agreed with to become active. If we had that thought and then decided “no. let it go”, we would not get up. By disagreeing with the thought, you take away its power. Only those thoughts that we agree with have power. Deciding to let it go, sends the suggestion, inert and impotent, out of the realm of your mind. Find out what you are thinking. Say yes to the thoughts that you like, and release the ones that no longer serve you. This is a great way to change your mind.
There are three primary modalities that we use to intake and process data. We use seeing (visual), hearing (auditory), and feeling (kinesthetic). The feeling or kinesthetic sense includes tactile and physical sensations, as well as emotions, intuitions, smell and taste. Each of us uses all three modalities, but to differing degrees. Most of us tend to use one or two of the modalities more than the others. Some people use only one modality almost all of the time.
Those that are primarily visual tend to speak quickly, breathe quickly, look upward for their information, and use phrases such as “I see what you mean”, or “I get the picture”. Auditory people tend to love the sound of their own voice, breathe evenly, look to the side (toward their ears) for their information, and use phrases like “Sounds good to me,” or “I hear you.” Those that tend to be more kinesthetic speak slowly and deliberately, look down (into their bodies) for their information, and use phrases such as “I’m getting a feel for it,” or “I can’t quite get a handle on it.”
All of us use all three of these representational systems at times, but mostly we find that one tends to dominate. Understanding your primary representational system will help you to better understand yourself and more effectively re-program the habits that no longer serve you.
There are four basic laws of suggestion. These are based on the language of the subconscious mind, which works very differently than the conscious mind does. The primary difference is that the conscious mind uses words, sounds and pictures as its basic language system. The subconscious mind uses emotion. The words, sounds and pictures that reach the subconscious mind do so as vehicles to carry emotion. It is emotion that sets the subconscious mind in motion. Words, sounds and pictures that carry little or no emotion, have little or no effect.
1. Only positive suggestions work.
The subconscious mind doesn’t understand negative suggestions. It needs to be told what to do, rather than what not to do. The suggestion “Don’t think of rainbows” has the same result as the suggestion “Think of rainbows.” (POSITIVE)
2. Only present active tense suggestions work.
The subconscious mind only understands “now.” Suggestions that are given for “tomorrow” or some unspecified future date will not become active. They will stay on hold until it is “tomorrow” or “later?’ The problem is that it is never “tomorrow”, it is always “today.” It is never “later,” it is always “now.” Suggestions for a specific future time can be given effectively if you imagine that it is that future time “now” as you give the suggestion. (PRESENT)
3. Repetition increases the power of suggestion.
The ultimate power of suggestion is determined by X number of repetitions at Y emotional amplitude.
With little emotion, many repetitions are necessary to create a habit, but with a lot of emotion, if you stick
with it, very few repetitions can do the job. (PERSISTENCE)
4. The power of suggestion is based on emotion
Emotion is the primary language of the sub-conscious mind. The words and pictures are the steering wheel, they set the direction, but emotion is the gas pedal. Emotion determines how much power each repetition of each suggestion will have. (PASSION)
There are literally hundreds of techniques for lowering brainwave activity. It is best, however, to have one steady mainstay. One very familiar technique that allows you instant access to the alpha state. Here is one such quick induction method.
- 1. Close your eyes.
Alpha can be reached with eyes open (watching television, daydreaming), but closing the eyes cuts out many of the potential distractions.
- 2. Take a slow deep breath.
Deep breathing is the most basic technique to begin a process of relaxing the body.
- 3. Create or remember a very peaceful place.
You can see it, or hear the sounds, or simply get the feeling that you are there. Any one, two or three of these techniques will work just fine. Always return to the same place each time you wish to go to alpha.
- 4. Let the eyes roll upward and then back down.
Rolling the eyes upward for a moment triggers the body’s automatic sleep response, telexing the muscles, slowing heartbeat and respiration, and lowering the level of brainwave activity from the awake beta state to the focus of alpha.
- 5. Count from 0-5 to come back to wide awake.
There are many subtleties with controlling your brainwave activity. Specifically within the alpha state, there is a wide continuum that ranges from the dreamlike trance state on the borders of the theta or dream state, up to the intense and brilliant focused concentration state of a superior athlete in action. Deep Alpha is for relaxation or healing. Light Alpha is the state of creative problem solving, peak performance, and accelerated learning.
Considering a skill as vital for “useful functioning” as reading is, one would imagine that society would place a great deal of emphasis and importance on its mastery. Sadly, this is not the case. In this society we are taught to read at a relatively early stage in our development, around the age of five or six. We are instructed in the basic technique and then virtually left alone to tackle any further development. Few of us are ever taught how to improve our basic reading skills. Reading is a very personalized behavior, usually done alone. It is difficult to compare your reading technique with those of others. Your style is individually your own.
In order to understand the basic technique of how we learn to mad, we must go back to our earliest experiences with language. We are first introduced to language in the womb, responding to the emotion in our mother’s voice. Infants are exposed to language through their parents who are trying to get them to mimic some very basic sounds, “Mama” for example. Babies are naturally excellent mimics and depending on the sounds that they make, they are positively or negatively reinforced. At birth, the human infant has the potential to utter any noise or syllable found in any language. Positive reinforcement is given only when the appropriate sounds are made. Non-English sounds are not reinforced in our country.
When the child makes the appropriate noise (sounds found in English), they receive positive messages, smiles, feelings of joy, excitement, all of which the child senses. When the noise is inappropriate (non-English sounds), they receive negative reinforcement, corrections, scowls, and even such harsh words as “Don’t talk baby talk! !“
As children progress, so do their vocabularies. The first words that they learn are usually nouns. Next come the verbs, action words that describe what they are doing or what is being done. It is later that the child’s vocabulary begins to include conceptual ideas. It is difficult at first for a child to understand “freedom,” “love,” or “quality”. These words represent concepts or personalized interpretations of one’s own experience, and the definitions are often quite vague. Children learn about these words through thought and experience, hopefully with the loving guidance of others.
A few short years later, when children are still in the primary development stages of spoken vocabulary, they are introduced to the written word. Since the child’s connections to language at this point are entirely auditory, they are taught the foundation for reading, the written alphabet, through an auditory experience, the ABCs song. It is only after mastering these twenty six funny looking squiggles and the noise that each one makes, that we can move on to the next step combining letters and forming simple words. The child is shown the word “dog” and told to “sound it out.” D, 0, G, three separate noises are put together to make the sound “dog.”
After time, upon hearing the Sound DOG, the child makes the connection that the word is the same one that describes the furry, four-legged creature that lives at home. A little child could look at the word “dog” for a long time without recognition. It is only when they hear the sound that the word makes, that it becomes recognizable.
The combination of letters or symbols does not evoke recognition in and of itself. The mind doesn’t connect the symbol and the concept of the animal until it sounds out the noise that the letters make. Children learn to read through sounds because they don’t yet recognize the visual symbol as the word. This is the way that most people learn to read.
Throughout our school system, very little attention is paid to one of the most important of all the learning skills, the art of reading. After primary education, most students spend the next twenty years in school, without learning one new thing about how to read.
A summary of the basic technique is as follows:
1. See the word.
2. Sound it out (say it to yourself).
3. Recognize that you know the sound.
4. Connect the sound to the meaning.
The most essential organ(s) for reading (in sighted people) are the eyes. Reading is tied very closely to the habit and behavior patterns of the eyes. The eyes create the trigger mechanism by perceiving the information in habitual ways and setting off a chain reaction of sub-habits that hopefully result in the comprehension of the material. Unfortunately, comprehension isn’t always the result. Many people have developed a sub-habit of reading that lets their eyes continue to move across the page, while their concentration is disengaged daydreaming or “spacing out”. Some have developed the sub-habit of very shallow breathing, which leads to yawning which is equated with boredom and failing asleep.
The most basic sub-habit of reading is the way that the eyes perceive the written material. For beginning readers this means fixating their eyes on one letter at a time (D —O —(3). As we become more experienced it becomes one syllable at a time as in (A — mer — i — ca).
Good readers see whole words, even large words (psychologist), all at once. For the vast majority, this is as far as they ever progress. From letters to syllables to single words. By the time most readers are ten or twelve years old, they have taken the art of reading as far as they ever will. Exceptional readers are the ones who go beyond, and see several words, even several paragraphs in one fixation. The ability to move beyond the old “one word at a time” technique is the key to mastering the art of accelerated reading.
The movement pattern of the eyes, a very powerful habit unchanged in most since adolescence, is the single most basic sub-habit of reading. It is therefore very closely related to all the other sub-habits. By changing that one most basic reading sub-habit, we create a “blank slate” effect, and the other sub-habits such as comfort, posture, breathing, concentration, retention, level of interest and attention span are no longer automatic. They were connected to and triggered by the “one word at a time” eye movement technique.
By learning to read in a “new way” (more than one word at a time) we may discard any of the old sub-habits that no longer serve us and integrate anything that works well into the new reading habit. We create in effect a blank slate. We can recreate our reading in~y way that we choose. W~ have to first decide how we want our reading to be, then we can change. It is the perfect opportunity to really take a look at., and make some decisions about, the way we read.
Another major effect of breaking and reforming the reading habit is the experience of tremendous self-confidence. Knowing that you can take a habit as intensely ingrained as reading, (something that you’ve done virtually the same way almost every single day of your life) and, through the use of Alpha programming, change it permanently and completely, is a very powerful awareness.
After creating a change of this magnitude, it becomes so much easier to deal with altering behaviors such as nervous habits, fears, phobias, procrastination, and the lack of confidence, initiative or motivation.
The most important concept is that reading is a habit, If one reads poorly, it’s not because they can’t read well, it’s simply that they have developed the habit of reading poorly. Change the behavior, break the habit, and past performance no longer needs to determine the present or the future. Start fresh with a new habit and you can truly live up to your reading potential.
The first new step in accelerated reading is to break the habit of focusing on each word individually, by learning a new habit of focusing on several words at the same time. A recommended first step is the “ni-focus” technique. This means to focus three times per line, or at a third of a line at a time. Focus on the left third, followed by the center third, and fmally the tight third. Three per line.
Here is an example of how the eyes can learn to see the next sentence.
I looked into the sky / and saw a shooting star / that no one else saw.
While this “tri-focus” technique works well with most books, some magazines and newspapers have shorter columns, so that a “bi-focus” (left half / right half) is more applicable; either way, you will learn how to see about the same amount with each focus. Depending on the relative size of the page and the print, sometimes two words (obstreperously unaccommodating) can be a whole third of a line in and of themselves. Readers can easily develop the ability to see that much and more in each and every focus. Real good readers already do.
The key to any “speed reading” program is to get the eyes to see more than one word at a time. In most programs the “fatal flaw” is that when you pay attention to the new way to move your eyes, you take your attention away from comprehending Divided attention (the Beta State) is ineffective for reading. It becomes difficult to focus on what you are reading, and even if you can, it takes all the fun out of the process. The joy of reading is the ability to lose yourself (Alpha) in the material.
In creating the tri-focus, we utilize the Alpha state to reprogram the movement of the eyes. Doing this allows the new eye movement (tri-focus) to happen automatically, leaving the mind free to pay total attention to comprehending the material.
The first step is to go into Alpha (eyes closed, deep breath, peaceful place, eyes rolled up and back) and relax. In this Alpha state we begin the process of recreating our reading by imagining a “magic book.” The “magic book” is the key to changing the habit of the eyes focusing on one word at a time. Begin by creating the cover of the book in your mind. Make this cover as magical as you possibly can. It could be solid gold, jewel encrusted, ancient hand tooled leather, or something that E.T. brought on his last visit It could smell like roses, make beautiful music when you touch it, and it could even float in the air. This is a “magical book”, and the laws of three dimensional reality need not apply.
As you open up this “magic book,” the first thing that you will notice is that this book has no words in it. Each page has instead of words, this exercise for the tri-focus.
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As you imagine page after page filled not with words but instead with the tri-focus exercise, you can begin to see that this book isn’t about “what” to read, it’s about “how” to read. To practice this tri-focus exercise, you simply focus on the left third (the center of your focus on the star), then the center third, then the right third, then the left third of the next line, center, right, and keep going down the page. The most important aspect as you physically move your eyes left, center, right, is to continue to imagine how magnificent this book is, and how wonderful it is to read much faster, with far greater comprehension. This exercise takes 20 – 30 seconds to do and is repeated 20 – 100+ times per day for a few days or until tri-focus is a habit.
Read your imaginary book with the tri-focus exercise at every opportunity. After X number of repetitions, anything becomes a habit. The number of repetitions necessary becomes much fewer when you add the hypersuggestibility of Alpha with very high emotional amplitude. Time means nothing; times (repetitions) means everything. However long (or short) it takes to do that number of repetitions, is how long before you have a habit. Once the habit (automatic behavior) is established, you can stop practicing the imaginary book tri-focus exercise because the habit reinforces itself. Habit makes it easy to do something and hard to do anything else.
Create the tri-focus in Alpha and allow it to spill over into your regular reading. Intentionally tri-focus only in your “Magic Book”. Whenever you are actually reading, allow your eyes to do whatever they do all by themselves. It is very important to remember to intentionally tri-focus in your “Magic Book only. If you try to pay attention to your eye movements and try to comprehend the material at the same time, you will be dividing your attention and therefore in the Beta State.
As you continue to practice the tri-focus in your imaginary book, you will find that you begin to automatically tri-focus in real books as well. Allow that to happen, and concentrate all of your attention exclusively on comprehending and enjoying what you are reading.
Once the tri-focus begins to happen automatically, it is then time to program into the subconscious mind the other sub-habits that you wish to associate with this new reading technique. Focused concentration, comfortable posture, holding the book up at eye level, and deep rhythmic breathing are a few of the basics. You might also include enhanced attention span, smooth and efficient page turning, and a pleasant facial expression. A powerful positive belief that you “will understand and recall everything you need from everything you read” is a must. You can program all this by going into Alpha and imagining yourself reading with these sub-habits already in place.
With pictures you can imagine yourself reading, seeing the concentration and the comfortable breathing. With words you can tell yourself, “I am focused and relaxed, and I remember everything I need from everything I read”. In your body you can feel your intense connection to the book in your hands and get a sense of how quickly you are turning the pages.
By investing a very little bit of your time each day now (lots of 20 – 40 second Alpha sessions) you save yourself months, perhaps even years later on. By increasing reading speed just three fold, someone who reads a couple of hours a days saves over 40 hours a month. This adds up to several years saved over the course of a lifetime.
Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. You don’t learn many new words in conversation. People don’t need to use as many different words while speaking. They have volume, intonation, inflection, emotion, facial expressions, and hand gestures, to make their point. Writers have only the ink on the page, so that, for the writer, the search for just the right word is a lot more important.
Accurate or not, most people determine how intelligent they believe you are, based on your vocabulary which is primarily developed by reading. Being thought of as very intelligent has many wonderful ramifications. Reading is the often the best way to learn anything from people who are dead or far away. It is something that is always available to do, and because there is always something good to read, you can spend the rest of your life knowing you need never be bored again. Reading for pleasure and reading for study are two different skills; however the actual reading of the material is done in much the same way. Whenever you are reading something that you need to know, for example for a test, or for a presentation, there are steps to take before you read, to best prepare yourself, as well as steps to take after you read to assure yourself that you will effectively retain the information. Here is a six step plan for study.
l. Scan
Look over the material before you read it. Warm up the mind on the subject matter before you begin to study.
2. Psyche up
Get yourself interested in the material that you are about to study. Imagine why it actually is important to you or else make up a reason that motivates you to pay attention.
3. Read
Read with total focused concentration in alpha using the tri-focus technique for the duration of your attention span.
4. Process with confidence
In eyes closed alpha, imagine that you are fully confident that you know the information and will be able to recall it anytime you choose, especially under pressure.
5. Review
Go back over what you just read, very very quickly over what you realized that you already knew. Go very very quickly over what you totally understood. Go very very quickly over what you don’t need to know, and stop and study only what is left. Review what you know, study only what you didn’t get the first time through.
6. Rehearse
Imagine that you are watching yourself taking the test. Watch the smile on your face and the gleam in your eyes as you successfully answer question after question. Imagine that you finish with plenty of time remaining. Observe yourself checking your answers and realizing that you got them all right. Imagine handing in the test with great confidence. Next imagine that you come back to class on a later date and receive the corrected test. Finish by congratulating yourself on a great performance.
Creativity and Problem Solving Skills
An important function of the Alpha State is to foster the initiative to think beyond the boundaries of what is. The purpose is to promote the kind of thinking that will be needed to meet the needs of a rapidly changing corporate technology and an even more rapidly changing marketplace. In Alpha you make use of those particular states of mind that provide access to the power of creativity
Often it is difficult to solve our problems because we can’t clearly see the problem for what it truly is. This is the “you can’t see the forest for the trees” syndrome. We get caught up in the emotions and sometimes seem to blow the problem all out of proportion. Sometimes it serves to take an alternate perception and see the problem in a different way. Step outside of the problem, and change your perception, and the problem seems to change.
You could imagine that the problem belongs to someone else. If this were true, what kind of advice would you give them? What would you say that their first step could be? How would you help to motivate them and get them going? What resources would you suggest that they utilize? How can you help them be confident of their process and their ultimate success? You could pretend that the problem is already solved. Think backwards from the solution back to the first step. Remember how you did it. Where you were when you figured it out ,what were you doing? Realize how good it feels to have it solved. Be proud of yourself.
Sometimes we can solve a problem, simply by realizing that it is not really a problem at all. Many problems can be seen in a positive light, as creative opportunities to exercise our minds and our talents to create some positive change. For every problem there are solutions. Some are better than others. One of the most limiting forms of thinking is to assume that there is only one right answer to your problem. This rigid and restrictive thinking process comes from the rigid and restrictive experience we called school. One right answer and anything else is wrong. We must break out of that mold in order to truly be effective problem solvers. If you relax your mind and use your imagination and your creativity you will find unlimited resources at your disposal.
Almost all of the great problems that have ever been solved have had their solutions begin in some woman’s or some man’s daydream. it is the daydream-like alpha state where most great ideas are born. One little clue or creative idea is all that it takes to begin solving the most perplexing problems. Alpha is a great tool to get in touch with your memory and imagination. It is a wonderful technique to improve your capacity for problem solving and to enhance your creativity. You can program your mind to help you solve your problems. You can program your mind to open up to a very powerful channel of creative energy. You can program your mind to enhance your insight, intuition, and inspiration. You can inspire your mind into feats of genius.
Practice with all these Alpha Exercises, and invent some of your own. The secret to success is not only knowing what to use, but also using what you know, and using it over and over again. Persistence and passion are the keys. Changing the way you read is a metaphor for life. With the same techniques, you can reprogram any habit, attitude, or behavior you choose. Remember, change often brings up doubt and fear. Realize that, if assistance would be of service to you as you go through your changes, then you deserve to have it. With Alpha, you know you have the power to change, and knowing you can, will let you realize that you must.
Remember these things most of all:
1. We are beings of energy.
2. The life force flows through the body as healing.
3. The life force flows through the mind as intelligence.
4. The life force flows through the soul as love.
S. We can control that life force by controlling our brainwave states.
6. Alpha is the best state to intake, process, and output information.
7. In Alpha, suggestions are much more powerful.
8. Suggestions must be positive, present, persistent, and passionate.
9. Practice makes Progress. Use alpha, many times a day, every day.
10. Decide what you want, imagine you’ve got it, and love that feeling.