What We Do


Each meeting has structure, purpose, and pay-off.
GROW is not a networking group. Naturally, we all know that networking is a good practice. But you’ve got that covered. GROW is goal-oriented and clearly organized around the following critical success factors:


Each session focuses on a particular topic, e.g., business growth and development. Members are asked to share their best practices with fellow entrepreneurs, so ideas are focused and actionable.

Ever wonder why as a company CEO we can solve customer issues—but not our own? GROW acts as your personal trainer, putting together a circuit of measurable processes that mandate accountability—and solve problems.

No amount of strategy is sufficient if there isn’t a process in place to evaluate the results. GROW provides specific measuring tools for your business as you discover the critical success factors of your particular business generation process. What’s more, you’ll have the support of a dedicated team that understands your efforts and challenges.
