How It Works


“Like most small business owners, you spend the majority of your time working in your business, not on your business. You’re also challenged with small budgets that limit your access to high-level professional consultants.”– Q

howitworksThat’s why Q Group developed GROW, a knowledge sharing, action-driven forum designed specifically for small business owners like you. You and a small group of non-competing professionals will meet with Q and staff, a group of proven business generation consultants.

Additionally Q Group will evaluate and monitor your company’s current marketing and sales strategies, providing individualized, specific feedback that can help you set realistic goals and achieve them.

Members experience shared accountability to stay focused on goals. Plus you’ll develop a camaraderie with non-competitive, non-industry business owners.

Every GROW meeting delivers the know-how needed to take action through the development of an executable plan that lets you focus your efforts on what’s most critical to your
company’s bottom line.